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About me

Hi, I’m Jess. A multi-dimensional being who uses movement, expression and connection to share the medicine of wholeness.

I am not here to teach you what I have learned from another spiritual teacher. I am here to share the medicine placed within my heart before coming to this realm. My life has been my guide, preparing me on how I am meant to share this medicine. 

I exist to remind humans the ability to create wholeness within themselves in the chaotic world. You can learn more about my personal journey by following our blog, listening to our podcast, reading future books and more! 

When one works with me, they are met with peace, compassion, accountability and honesty. I am not here to heal you. I am here to give you tools on how to connect with your own inner healer. 

I look forward to connecting with you. Thanks for staying on this planet at this time. Earth needs your light and medicine. Journey on. 


lets work together

You are worthy of peace & love


Offerings and availability vary throughout the seasons. Each offering provides you the space to weave together your mind, body, heart and spirit.

Quickest way to contact me is emailing me at [email protected]. I look forward to connecting with you. 

If you are seeking community, audio downloads, wholeness tools and more, join me on Patreon. We would love to have you! 


Check out what Patreon is all about

The Evolution of


wholeness sanctuary

  • Jess was born in 1993 with a rare birth defect known as TEF.
  • Surviving numerous medical procedures and causing doctors to think outside of the box.
  • She was fed through a feeding tube up until second grade, being diagnosed as a 'chronically ill' child. She surpassed their life expectancy expectations.
  • Jess lives with 67% lung capacity, holes in her heart, half of a stomach, factor five blood clotting disorder, celiac disease, anemia, osteopenia, kidney stones, COVID, restrictive lung disease, chronic PTSD, survivors guilt and more.

The Journey


to true wholeness

  • Jess has been 'awake' since she was born. Her ability to communicate with Spirit and highlight truth is unmatched
  • Her truth took her to both religious and spiritual paths. This also includes the health and wellness realm. She taught movement and dance to all ages and walks of life.
  • She observed how she didn't belong to these paths and how what she was here to teach worthiness & wholeness.
  • Surviving two NDE's in the ocean, she spent years seeing her worth and created a plan on how she would bring wholeness to those she meets inviting them to see their worth.

Universal peace starts within by creating the sacred safe space for yourself. We must stop  giving our power away to those we assume will create a safe space for us. This is why we do what we do.